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Message Sender

The Message Sender allows you to create and send messages to queues or topics on your connected brokers.


Selecting Destination

  1. Choose the broker from the dropdown menu.
  2. Select whether you're sending to a Queue or Topic.
  3. Enter the queue name or topic in the "Destination" field.
  4. Alternatively, select the destination from the list below the broker dropdown.

Composing Messages

  • Ensure "Compose Message" is selected right next to the "Message Content" label.
  • Message Content: Enter the message content in the main text area.
  • Properties: Set custom properties using "Custom Message Properties".
  • Click the Edit button next to the "Custom Message Properties" field to open the properties editor.


Sending from a File

  • Messsages previously saved via the Queue Browser, Topic Subscriber or Scripting tab can be sent from a file.
  • Ensure "Send a File" is selected right next to the "Message Content" label.
  • Use the "Browse..." button to select the file to send.
  • Alternatively, enter the file path in the "File" field.
  • Click the "Send Message" button at the bottom to send messages.

You can also select a folder and all files within that folder will be sent.